Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What the future holds

  What does our future hold? That is the big question in the James house as of late.  I'm sure it is the question on the minds of many regarding their own future, but it has never been such a prevalent question for us until recently.  As Ive mentioned before, we have our place on the market, which means sometime in the hopefully near future, we will be moving on.  Literally.  Moving is not even a remotely new thing for me, I have moved too many times to count over the years.  For most, moving tends to be a big ol pain in the butt, which I admit, the actual moving process is not exactly pleasant, but I still love moving.  I love the packing process, in which i am able to pass along things that i no longer use.  De clutter people, its refreshing! I especially love the unpacking aka organizing and decorating process.  Seriously, SO MUCH FUN! But perhaps the best part of moving to me is the fresh start and new experiences.  I'm not sure if I love to move so much for the above mentioned reasons, or if it is simply that I have yet to discover a place that truly feels like home.  Or am i just a nomad?
  You see, Matt and I are not big planners.  We tend to sort of just go with the flow, see where life takes us.  That is all fine and dandy, except that now we have a little miss to consider.  I have discovered that it is pretty much impossible to not have at least a little plan when you have a baby tagging along.  Which brings up the question again, what does our future hold? or better yet, what do we want our future to hold? This is not a question that I have the answer for just yet.  I have some great ideas, but I am going to keep those all to myself for the time being.  OK well, I have told Matt, but I swore him to secrecy.  Now it is time to think, explore, and imagine the possibilities of what is to come...


  This is me doing some thinking in my favorite thinking spot :)

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